You will never forget the enormous size of Boyon’s head. It’s impressive with a peaceful smile. As there are 52 Boyon heads in this temple, it represents 52 provinces of the Kingdom at the time.
Who designed Bayon's architecture?
Ancient world assumes all credit goes to the ruler of the kingdom. Jayavarman 7 is the creator of Bayon Temple, the only big temple he built to his specifications.
What does the word Bayon mean?
This temple was originally known as JayKiri, it means the mountain of success, and this name was given by a discoverer. Ba Yon means the protection of the building.
For what purpose is it used?
In the early days of the Jayavarman 7, the temple was built to protect the reign of Jayavaron 7. It was used several times as a war technology zone during invasions by the Cham Kingdom and Thai Kingdom. As soon as the kingdom declared war, the king and the soldiers stayed inside the bayon complex and used the 4 km wall to prevent invasions.
What made Boyon the second most visited temple in Cambodia?
Although Bayon is so small compared to Angkor Wat, it’s the most popular temple due to its religion. It’s the only temple built for budism religion at the time, and Buddha status can still be found around the temple.

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